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A Carolina Love Song – Inspiration for "South Carolina on My Mind"

Also see: South Carolina State Songs

A Carolina Love Song, by Riley Munday

Hank Martin wrote "South Carolina on My Mind," one of South Carolina's state songs, and found inspiration for the song from this poem. It was written by his wife Linda's father, Riley Munday, a Southern Baptist preacher who spent the last years of his life in South Carolina.

I will sing a southern carol
Of a song that came to me
Of a Carolina Day that was...
And is... and is to be.

She was here before we got here,
Before the Indians came
Before the Tri-centennial years
Had added to her fame.

She was a pristine beauty
On that first primeval day
And the glory of her loveliness
Will live for aye and aye.

Today, I stand at Caesar's Head
At Dixie look away---
To this lordly, ever present land
I sing, a Carolina lay.

My love song will climb a mountain
Will race the Congaree,
Will gently brush Columbia's cheek
And zephyr to the sea.

And what of her glad tomorrows
I feign would prophesy,
She will lift the nation heavenward
Will raise her battle cry.

Upward, ever upward
As your forbearers from the sea.
Came inland to the midlands
Along the Wateree.

Stand tall, ye sons of Charles Towne
Fight on ye mountain kings,
Follow the trail of the Swamp Fox
Have done with lesser things.

On the last day at Megiddo
The last flag to furl in the den,
Will be the bold Palmetto
and Carolina Men


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